The Youth Ambassador Program

Donation Goal For This Project is $40,000
57% Donated/$16,950 To Go
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YA Program is a mental health promotion and intervention program to support the children of patients with severe mental illness. Children and teenagers aged 5 to 16, with one or both parents experiencing/experienced mental health issue(s), are invited to join YA Program.

The Youth Ambassador (YA) Program was established in 2006 by a group of volunteer health care workers from Castle Peak Hospital. Continuing with the successful cooperation from last few years, Mental Health Foundation is pleased to be the a co-organizer of the YA Program again this year 2018.

YA Program is a mental health promotion and intervention program to support the children of patients with severe mental illness. Children and teenagers aged 5 to 16, with one or both parents experiencing/experienced mental health issue(s), are invited to join YA Program.

YA Program includes education and training in mental health, communication, problem solving and coping with stress. Through a series of activities, the participants would think more positively, grow more confident and “resilient” to meet challenges relating to their family conditions.