Episode 2 – “Emotion of Children”


Practice Mindfulness with Mental Health Foundation

In each episode, we invite different psychiatrists or professionals to share their insights, allowing everyone to explore the various aspects of mental health. Through the practice of mindfulness, we aim to help individuals establish harmony between their mind and body, cultivating a sense of inner peace.

In this series, we will address the topic of emotional issues in children and provide guidance on how to handle them. We believe that understanding and appreciating our children is essential for their growth, and we will explore various approaches for parents to connect with their children and support their development.

In each episode, we will discuss practical strategies and techniques for parents to navigate their child’s emotional challenges. We will also share interesting mindfulness exercises that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. Don’t forget to tune in and join us on this insightful journey!

And remember, understanding and appreciating our children is crucial for their well-being and growth. So let’s embark on this journey together!

Host: Mr. YEUNG Lok Sang (DJ Host), Ms. LEE San San (Ambassadors of Mental Health Foundation)

Guests: Dr. LIN Hoi Yan Candy (Specialist in Psychiatrist), Ms. YIU Fong Lee Venus (Clinical Psychologist)

Event Sponsor: Otsuka Pharmaceutical (HK) Limited

Part 1

Part 2